March 7, 2021

Holly Springs Food Lion Serves the Community
Food Recovery Partner Series
by Lisa Biordi, volunteer
This article is the first in a series thanking Cupboard food recovery partners. Food recovery is a broad term that refers to salvaging food that would normally be thrown away from retailers and other sources. Food recovery is a major source of food for the Cupboard. Each week, teams of volunteers fan out across the area to pick up food that would otherwise go to waste and deliver the food to the Cupboard, where it is weighed, sorted, packaged and distributed to clients.
This month’s spotlight is on Food Lion Store #938 on Main Street in Holly Springs and Store Manager Jessica McClintock. The store has been a food recovery partner of the Cupboard since early 2015. “We donate all possible food that may not be good enough quality for sale, but is still safe for consumption,” said McClintock, who has worked for Food Lion for 22 years and as the store manager in Holly Springs for 6 years.
“It gives me purpose and energizes me to be able to serve our community,” McClintock said. “We are proud to be a community partner with the HSFC!” Food recovery items the Holly Springs Food Cupboard receives directly from the Holly Springs Food Lion include produce, bakery and deli items, salads, cheeses, fruit, rotisserie chicken, and more. Holly Springs Food Cupboard volunteers Leigh Brantley, Marci Blight and Burl Chadwick pick up food recovery items from the store. “Hunger is a silent enemy that knows no boundaries, and so I do what I can to ensure our community is taken care of,” Brantley said.
Holly Springs High School Runner Organizes Second 24-Hour Marathon to Benefit Cupboard
When Holly Springs High School runner Grace Vaughn’s spring track season was canceled due to COVID last year, she organized a running event to help her find motivation for training and to make a difference in her community.
“I was shocked when we raised almost $15,000 for the Holly Springs Food Cupboard,” she said of last year’s 24-Hour Marathon Fundraiser.
This year, she’s organizing her second 24-hour marathon and hopes for more participants and an even bigger donation. The challenge involves runners completing 1.1 miles per hour for 24 hours straight. Participants can rest and refuel in between each mile. This adds up to 26.4 miles, a little over a marathon.
“If you aren’t interested in running, a donation is just as appreciated,” she said. “Donors can choose a runner and make a donation per mile pledge, or just donate a flat amount. Any donation is appreciated and ALL money raised will be donated to the HS Food Cupboard.”
For more information or to participate or donate, click here to visit the 24-hour marathon website.

Eagle Scout Project Builds Raised Beds
The Cupboard is ready for a season of growing healthy organic produce for Holly Springs Food Cupboard clients, thanks to Anna’s Eagle Scout project and everyone who came to help out. The west garden has 12 new raised beds. What a tremendous gift!
Around the Cupboard
Sunset Oaks neighbors donated over 400 pounds of food earlier this month! Thank you!

Thanks to Joe Harasti from the Holly Springs Fire Department for installing new smoke detectors at the Food Cupboard! This service is free to all Holly Springs residents.

Emma from Brownie Troop 808 donated Girl Scout cookies to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard! Thank you! ❤️

As the winter harvest winds down, we’re getting ready for the next growing season in the Holly Springs Food Cupboard garden area.
Do you need food assistance? Know someone who does?
Please visit us. These are unprecedented circumstances, and we are here to help. Drive-through food distribution is every Thursday, 2-5 p.m. Deliveries are available to senior citizens and persons with compromised health or without transportation. Click here for more information.

Donating food?
Thank you! We are able to receive food on Mondays, 9-11 a.m. (this is our preferred time) and Thursdays, noon-5 p.m. Place donations on our delivery dock on the side of our facility and knock to allow for safe distancing. Or, give us a call and we can meet you to pick up food from your neighborhood.
Most needed items:
- Pop-top meats
- Shelf stable milks in individual or quart size (We cannot distribute out-of-date milk.)
- Individual juices
- Pop-top fruits
- 16-ounce jars of peanut butter
More Information
- Email us for the fastest response time.
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- Subscribe to this e-newsletter.
Thank you, again, to our dedicated volunteers and generous community for making everything we do possible.