Food Recovery Partners | Community Food Drop-Off Locations
2024 Sponsoring Partners
Thanks to the many businesses and organizations in our community that support the Holly Springs Food Cupboard through financial or in-kind donations. These include:
- 12 Oaks Boomers Charity Committee
- American Online Giving Foundation
- Apex Friendship High School
- Bombshell Beer Company
- Campbell Road Nursery
- Carolina Farms Stewardship Association
- Cary Rotary Club
- Charities Aid Foundation America
- Chick fil-A
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Coldwell Banker HPW
- Dell Technologies
- Devils Ridge LGA
- DS Smith
- Fidelity Charitable Gifts
- Food Lion #938 (Main Street, Holly Springs)
- F3 South Wake
- Goodwill Industries of Eastern North Carolina
- Green Hope Elementary School
- Holly Grove Elementary School
- Holly Ridge Elementary School
- Holly Ridge Middle School
- Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce
- Holly Springs Elementary School
- Holly Springs High School
- Holly Springs Masonic Lodge #115
- Holly Springs Rotary Club
- Jacobs
- Kelloggs
- Kim Yong-In Martial Arts
- Kirk of Holly Springs
- Knights of Columbus
- Kraft YMCA
- Maylee Farms
- Nugent Plumbing and Pumps
- PayPal Giving Fund
- Pine Springs Preparatory Academy PTO
- PORCH – Trinity Creek
- The Produce Box
- Raritan
- South Wake Conservationists
- Starbucks
- State Employees Credit Union
- St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
- Sunrise UMC
- Tazikis of Holly Springs
- Thrive
- Versatile Services Solutions
- Weegar Consulting LLC

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