
From our first food distribution at the Holly Springs United Methodist Church annex in 2010 to today, the Holly Springs Food Cupboard continues to grow thanks to our volunteers and partnerships. We’re continuing to serve the needs here in Holly Springs, and we invite you to join us. Become a part of our history! 

2025 Highlights


Holly Springs Rotary Club donates bags and funding for student bag food purchases ($5000).
Students at Ashe School of Music donate $2000 towards student bags.
The Produce Box gifts 100 produce boxes for each of 4 weeks, an extension of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Farmshare grant.


HSFC named Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit of the Year for 2024.
First Flight Federal Credit Union and Keller Williams Legacy close Holly Springs offices, dropping out of drop-off site program.
Holly Springs Chipotle added as food recovery partner.


Eagle Scout candidate Gage Keenan leads building of 8 greenhouse racks for holding trays & pots.

2024 Highlights


Ben Howard holds food drive and reaches cumulative total of 10,000 pounds.


Pat Haggard receives the Heart of Holly Springs award from Chamber of Commerce
Food Cupboard receives Legrand grant ($3000)
Food Cupboard receives artwork “Patterns de’Vine” by artist Philippe Vanghan.


Food Cupboard achieves gold level with the Healthy Pantry Program of FBCENC.
First donations received from PORCH community Trinity Creek neighbors.
Oak Village Academy added as a drop-off site.


Notification that the Holly Springs Town Council has granted HSFC an on-going annual grant in the amount of $5000.
Annual Plant Sale held on April 13.
F-3 team repairs garden shed foundation.


Volunteer appreciation event held at the Cupboard on May 4.  New royal blue t-shirts.


HSFC receives Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation grant of $1500.
HSFC receives Cary Rotary Charitable Foundation Grant of $2000.
HSFC receives donation of food and 82 Food Lion gift cards from Goodwill Industries of Eastern NC.


500 cardboard trays donated by DS Smith Corporation.
HSFC completes 6 months of pickups from Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints warehouse in Greensboro of food items valued at $12,000
Food Lion #938 donates more than 600 reusable bags (July & August)


HSFC receives Starbucks FoodShare 2024 Grant (1200 reusable bags)
HSFC receives grant of 100 boxes of fresh local produce per week (August – October) from The Produce Box’s grant from the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Farmshare grant.
Alvarez Painting donated painting of front deck, ramp, loading dock trim and garden shed.
Goodwill Industries donates $5000 in Food Lion gift cards to purchase groceries for distributions.


Repair completed on first addition (center joist added on 2 concrete pillars) and mold remediation throughout crawl space. Supports sistered to floor under warehouse for additional support. Humidifier system added to crawl space. Work done by North Home Remodeling and Green Home Solutions. (Cost $60,736)


Change in leadership: Sara Haggar elected new Executive Director and Pat Haggard elected Board of Directors Vice-President.
The Produce Box extends gift of 100 produce boxes per week through the end of 2024.


Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce hosts Grapes, Grains and Giving to benefit HSFC, raising $41,200.
Eagle Scout candidate Conor Campbell organizes building of potting table for garden.
334 Food Lion gift cards and 143 turkeys given to families during Thanksgiving distributions. Turkeys donated by Coldwell Banker Howard Perry and Walston (Holly Springs and Cary offices). 477 families served.


First Bank awards HSFC a Power of Good Grant for $2500.
384 Food Lion gift cards and 76 turkeys (Coldwell Banker HPW donation) distributed as Christmas special.

2023 Highlights


Canopy cover replaced.
Sunrise UMC becomes first shelf sponsor – Peanut Butter.
HS Rotary donates 250 student bags and $3800 for contents.
Began weekly produce purchases from Wards Produce.
Propane outdoor area heater donated by Neal Haggard.
Jan./Feb. 2023 – Interior walls repaired and painted by Alvarez Painting


Received Nutrition Education & Community Health Grant $1000 (FBCENC Healthy Pantry).  Purchased 2 shelf units and 24 large storage bins with lids.
Purchased blue wagon for taking food to client vehicles.


Green aprons with logo acquired for drive-through distributions.
Kirk of Holly Springs takes on shelf sponsor for jelly/jam/honey.
Volunteer appreciation event held at the Cupboard on March 19. Insulated reusable bags.
Received $10,000 grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina’s Let’s Give Local Grant Program.


Eagle Scout candidate Avery Freyer organizes building of Long Lang Beehive
Received grant from Town of Holly Springs ($2500)
Added drop off site Coldwell Banker HPW, 5261 Sunset Lake Rd.


Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation grant received ($2000)
Harvest donations begin at Josh Hutchins Farm
Simple Gifts Garden relocates and resumes donations of produce


HSFC receives honorable mention Best Nonprofit Maggy Award


Eagle Scout candidate Arshia Kasera organizes building of rinsing table for garden


F3 group repairs ramp
Chamber of Commerce holds Grapes, Grains & Giving event and donates $30,000.
Triangle Wine Company added as drop off site


Single door commercial refrigerator received from FBCENC equipment grant
Gift cards (450 Food Lion) given instead of most of the turkeys for Thanksgiving distribution.  Made possible by gifts from Jacobs contractors building the FUJI Diosynth Biotechnologies plant.  Turkeys also donated by Coldwell Banker Howard Perry and Walston.  452 families served.


Food Lion gift cards (Jacobs donation) and turkeys (Coldwell Banker HPW donation) distributed as Christmas special.

2022 Highlights


Purchase of HP printer with instant ink.
Eagle Scout candidate Noah Johnson built two new compost bins.
Change to Google Docs for record keeping.


Purchased Apple MacBook Pro 14 computer and software.
Purchased two new iPads for distribution intake.
Eagle Scout candidate Elizabeth Grochocinski installed new raised beds in the east garden.


Eagle Scout candidate Myles Smith designed and installed gutter gardens with irrigation for growing greens.


Donation of $18,403.37 received from Greater Triangle Area Chick-fil-A in conjunction with the remodel and reopening of the Holly Springs Chick-fil-A.
Partnership with Jacobs/Fuji Film begins.
Holly Springs Farmers Market receives grant to start the SNAP program at the Market along with a double bucks incentive.  The grant also includes $100 per week to purchase unsold produce from the farmers to donate to HSFC.
Volunteer Appreciation event at the Block on Main was held on Apr. 30th.  New navy-blue t-shirts.
April & May 2022 – Alternate Current Solutions donates installation of electricity to the garden shed and makes improvements on Cupboard wiring.  They also donate doorbells, lights, outlets, and an additional breaker.


Received grant from Town of Holly Springs ($2500)
Eagle Scout candidate Miles Johnson installed three native bee boxes in the Cupboard Garden.


Eagle Scout candidate Chaya Manchakalapati constructs and installs hydroponic tray garden.
Eagle Scout candidate Nathan A. of Troop 94 construct 12 PVC cages to protect plants from insect damage and cold weather.
Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation campaign to encourage summer food donations.


New community food drop off site, Keller Williams Legacy, 201 W. Center St.
Lowe’s Home Improvement, Holly Springs donates new attic ladder and window heating/cooling unit for carport room. Unit and new attic ladder installed by Mr. Fix It
Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation grant for $1500 received.
Eagle Scout candidate Dylan Campbell installed 15 blueberry plants in whisky barrels with netting and an irrigation system.
Floors buffed and waxed.  Began use of utility rugs replaced weekly.
Town of Holly Springs provided equipment to permit installation of WiFi internet access inside the Cupboard.


New hybrid model for distribution begins.  By appointment on Mondays from 1-4pm for shopping inside the Cupboard and Thursday drive through distribution continues 2-5pm.


Eagle Scout candidate Alex Scott constructed 2×8 ft. raised beds for physically challenged gardeners.


First honey harvested from Cupboard bees and given to volunteers as appreciation gift.
Added drop off site at Bless Your Heart Boutique
Chamber of Commerce holds Grapes, Grains & Giving event and donates $15,000.
Gift cards (420 Food Lion) given instead of most of the turkeys for Thanksgiving distribution.  Made possible by gifts from Jacobs/FUJI Diosynth Biotechnologies.  Turkeys also donated by Coldwell Banker Howard Perry and Walston.  367 families served.


Mushrooms planted in logs in Cupboard Garden

2021 Highlights

Partnership begins with Papa John’s #4960, 130 West Holly Springs Rd.
Eagle Scout candidate Carmen Karyani constructs new fence and gates for east garden as her Eagle Project

Eagle Scout candidate Anna Guenther constructs raised beds for west garden as her Eagle Project.

Partnership with Holly Springs Rotary Club and Holly Springs Police Department to help deliver food to clients.
Angela & Bryan Hawkins build and install decorative signs for Cupboard Garden.
Food Cupboard Farmer program initiated.  Local families supplied with seeds/starter plants to grow a garden and donate produce to the Cupboard.
SignEdge installs new sign on Cupboard building showing hours of operation.

Received grant from the Town of Holly Springs ($2500)
Healthy Pantry Grant from Food Bank Central and Eastern NC for 4 shelving units for track out bag packing room and $1000 toward food purchases through FBCENC.

Chicken coop refurbishment and expansion.
Two new utility carts received through a FBCENC grant.
New display signs are made for drop-off sites.
Holly Ridge Elementary PTA presented a donation of $2,500 for the 5th Grade Class gift.

Starbucks Partners and The Starbucks Foundation selected HSFC to receive a $1,000 grant as part of its Neighborhood Grants program.

Holly Springs Farmers Market is a drop-off site for food donations.

Rotarian Effort Against Children’s Hunger donated cloth bags and funds for food purchases.
Begin $100/year gift to AME Zion Douglas Chapel Church to use property west of HSFC for parking. HSFC is granted first right to refuse when they are ready to sell the property.
Brynn from Girl Scout Troop 364 completes her Silver Award project on growing selected vegetables in containers and small spaces.

Holly Springs Garden Club donates a fountain in memory of Mike Flatley.
Two new metal rolling worktables are purchased for use in packing/sorting.

UNC Health Rex Holly Springs, Chamber of Commerce member, presents a check for $10,000 to Cupboard.

2020 Highlights

Partnership begins with Starbucks #49535 on Kildaire Farm Rd., Cary
Bombshell Beer Company supports Cupboard with food drive and t-shirt sales at their 6th anniversary celebration

Sofia Launer and Girl Scout Troop 2079 deliver picnic table with game top as part of her Silver Project.
Received first donation of 19 produce boxes from The Produce Box.
Second greenhouse installed and 8 racks built by Eagle Scout project (Griffin McGaughey)
Volunteer appreciation open house at the Cupboard Feb. 15. (Caps with logo given to volunteers)

Due to the COVID19 pandemic we began to use drive through distribution and deliveries to clients with age, health or transportation concerns on March 19.  We also began distributing track out bags every two weeks to families with school age children since the schools were closed.

Received grant from the Town of Holly Springs ($2,500) and then second grant for COVID19 response from Town of Holly Springs ($2,500).
A new commercial freezer was purchased for meat distribution and installed in the distribution room.
The Cupboard Garden received a grant from the American Heart Association to install 20 whiskey barrel movable planters for miniature apple trees.

A new commercial freezer was purchased to replace the Olive Garden freezer in the distribution room. (Old freezer given back to FBCENC)
Eagle Scout candidate Mara Schwegel provided 700+ cloth face masks for HSFC clients as her Eagle project.

Original HVAC unit replaced.

New large canopy purchased for distribution area.
A-frame sign board purchased for food drives and distributions.

Eagle Scout candidate Sydney Haggard constructs new fence and gates for west garden as her Eagle project.
Purchased 2 new utility carts.
Side door to distribution room replaced.
Purchased new 2 door commercial refrigerator to replace refrigerator #2.

2019 Highlights

Volunteer appreciation open house at the Cupboard.  (gray t-shirts with logo given to volunteers)
Partnership begins with Sheetz #659 on Avent Ferry Rd. 

Partnership begins with The Butcher’s Market of Holly Springs.
First 3rd Thursday business volunteers help with distribution.  (Salamanders office staff)

Received grant from the Town of Holly Springs ($2,500)

GMA Supply Building Materials sponsors Home Runs for Hunger at home Salamanders ball games.
CVS ends recovery donations nationally
Received grant from M. Jack & Dorothy S. Stephens Fund of Triangle Community Foundation for purchase of fresh, healthy foods. ($10,000)

Purchased new produce shelves for distribution room.

Chosen for the Healthy Pantry Program at the Silver Level by the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC.
Purchased a television for the client entry room to display healthy tips on continuous play during distributions.
Girl Scout Silver Award project provides new children’s bookcase and square foot garden bed kits (Katie Rogers, Kaghan McElaney, Katie Mayer).

Holly Springs Road becomes a divided highway. Cupboard entry and exit is now right hand turn only.

Distribution Room floor refinished by Seqirus Team on their workday. They also rebuilt ramp to garden shed.
Sarah Crissman relocates her bee hives to the Cupboard Garden.

Chamber of Commerce’s Grapes, Grain & Giving event benefits Cupboard ($10,000)

Cupboard is the CBS 17 three-degree partner. A video highlighting the Cupboard was featured on the weather forecast and $2100 in donations were received.

2018 Highlights 

Pat Haggard, Executive Director, receives Ham Womble Award (Distinguished Service Award)

The Triangle Commercial Association of Realtors honored the HSFC with the 2017 Community Foundation Award
The Cupboard welcomes Butterscotch and Betsy to join Biscuit in the Cupboard chicken residence. First monthly tasting for clients with SNAP-Ed Steps to Health, NC State University

The Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce’s Grapes, Grains & Giving benefits HSFC. Garden potting table built and delivered by Holly Springs Troop 431 (HS Ward 4 LDS).

Received grant from the Town of Holly Springs ($2500)

Loan for 2017 addition paid in full.

Received grant from the M. Jack and Dorothy S. Stephens Fund of Triangle Community Foundation for the purchase of fresh, healthy foods. Kiosks and brick pathway built by Eagle Scout project (Jacob Pentecost).

Seqirus work team raises front porch so that it is all on one level.  They also lay stone path to garden shed and rebuild ramp to back shed.

Golf tournament #8 and dinner with the Mason Jar Tavern/Lager Co. at Devils Ridge Golf Club.  (After original date in September was cancelled due to hurricane.)

2017 Highlights

Volunteer appreciation reception held at Sunrise United Methodist Church
Cleve Pate, Architect engaged to render floor plans for new addition

Compost bin built and installed by Masonic Lodge #115 members

Six A-frame tray racks for seedlings built by Eagle Scout project (Daniel Porter)

Contract signed with Mike DiScala (Primo Design Build) to build new addition

Fashion for Food #5 at The Family Farm (Mary Babbitt)
Construction on warehouse addition begins

Received grant from the M. Jack and Dorothy S. Stephens Fund of
Triangle Community Foundation for an additional commercial refrigerator and freezer ($10,000)
Received grant from the Town of Holly Springs ($2,500)
​Received grant from Wells Fargo ($2,500 for equipment in new addition)

Construction completed on warehouse addition and renovation of original building. Awaiting cooler weather to accomplish landscaping requirements.

Purchased and installed commercial freezer and refrigerator with M. Jack and Dorothy S. Stephens Fund of the Triangle Community Foundation funds.
Adopted new logo designed by Dave Avis
Website reconstructed by Tamara Ward​

Golf tournament #7 and dinner with The Mason Jar Tavern/Lager Co. at Devils Ridge Golf Club
Girl Scout Troop #4578 installed a “Little Library” on the front lawn.

Ribbon cutting ceremony for warehouse addition and remodel

Holly Springs Food Cupboard selected as the Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC Partner Agency of Excellence for Wake County for 2017.

2016 Highlights

Donations received from Amazon Prime
Founder, Carol Moran resigns from Board of Directors for health reasons.

Fashion for Food #4 at Mims House (Mary Babbitt)
Whole Foods of Cary 5% Shopping Day
Partnership begins with Chick-fil-A of Holly Springs
Boundary wall for front entrance built by Eagle Scout project (John Alachi)

Donation of hydroponic growing station for Cupboard Garden
Farmer Foodshare begins with the Holly Springs Farmers Market
Two laying hens (Polly and Biscuit) and coop/care donated by Marilyn Jesrani

Site plans filed with town for building expansion.
The consultant team that donated their time to this important step included Don Mizelle (WithersRavenel), Pat Perez (CALYX) and Chet Van Fossen (CVF Architect). 

Golf tournament #6 and dinner with The Mason Jar Tavern at 12 Oaks Golf Club
Partnership begins with CVS #8911 (Village Walk)

Partnership begins with Pizza Hut (Main Street)

Bridge to cemetery build by Eagle Scout project (Jack Shaeffer)

​2015 Highlights

Partnership begins with Food Lion #938 (Main St.)

Irrigation System for Garden installed by Eagle Scout project (Chris Harris)
Fashion Show #3 at Holly Springs Cultural Center (Mary Babbitt)
Produce drying racks made by Eagle Scout project (James Easterly)

Parking lot paved

Golf tournament #5 and Cook Out with The Mason Jar Tavern at 12 Oaks Golf Club

2014 Highlights

Began receiving retail recovery bakery items from Lowes Food #207 (Bass Lake Rd.)

Luncheon and fashion show #2 at Sunrise United Methodist Church (Mary Babbitt)

Began gleaning YMCA/InterFaith Food Shuttle Mobile Market remainders

Tool shed addition and green house for Cupboard Garden

Two wooden benches made by Eagle Scout project (Zac Coleman)

Golf tournament #4 with Sunrise United Methodist Church at Devils Ridge
Began partnership with Kraft Family YMCA for our clients to attend Cooking Matters classes at Sunrise United Methodist Church

​​​2013 Highlights

Received Ham Womble Award (Distinguished Service Award)

Partnership begins with Food Lion #2198 retail recovery (Holly Springs Rd.)

Compost bins installed by Eagle Scout project (Ryan Beaver)
First “Fashion for Food” luncheon and fashion show fundraiser (Mary Babbitt) at Sunrise United Methodist Church
Partnership begins with Starbucks Store #19453 (Grand Hill Place)

Carport enclosed

Mortgage paid in full

Golf tournament #3 with Sunrise United Methodist Church at Devils Ridge

Two large commercial refrigerators and one freezer donated (with help of Rotary members)

2012 Highlights

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Began receiving pineapple trimmings from Edible Arrangements (Village Walk Drive)

Partnership with Garden Club of Holly Springs to begin a garden at the Cupboard

Partnership with Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC

Shed refurbished by Eagle Scout project (Tim Mathis)

Golf tournament #2 with Sunrise United Methodist Church at 12 Oaks

New addition completed by SWAT (Seniors With Attitude and Tools, Pete Morrison)

New sign installed at street

​2011 Highlights

Received 501(c)3 nonprofit status

Dissolved sponsorship agreement with Western Wake Crisis Ministry

Closed on purchase of 621 W. Holly Springs Road after successful Capital Campaign.

First annual Holly Springs Food Cupboard/Sunrise United Methodist Church golf tournament at Devils Ridge

Thanksgiving packages distributed to families from the new Cupboard

Distributions begin from the new Cupboard​

2010 Highlights

Letter sent to Chamber of Commerce asking for their support

February & March
Open meetings for those interested in forming a food pantry

April & May
Western Wake Crisis Ministry in Apex offers to help us organize

Incorporated with the State of NC
Sponsorship agreement with Western Wake Crisis Ministry 

First distribution at Holly Springs United Methodist Church annex​


Preliminary work done by founder, Carol Moran