April 25, 2021
Interested in purchasing affordable, quality plants for your yard while supporting a group of Food Cupboard garden volunteers? The TAPRoots annual plant sale is just around the corner!
TAPRoots is a group of volunteers from the Triangle Aphasia Project that grows 90% of the plants transplanted into the Holly Springs Food Cupboard garden. This sale supports their work.
Click here to place your order online by Wednesday, April 28.
Pickups are at the Food Cupboard on Saturday, May 1.

High School Runners Raise $10,000 for Cupboard
Grace Vaughn and fellow runners raised $10,000 for local people in need of food assistance. The money donated to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard was raised through a 24-hour marathon where the students ran one mile every hour for 24 hours. Way to combine passion for running with a desire to help people in need.

DEGA Provides for Clients’ Pets
DEGA Mobile Veterinary Care visited the Holly Springs Food Cupboard this weekend, giving clients’ pets free exams and preventative flea, tick and heartworm medications. One client was near tears when she said the free clinic was the only way her pet could have received this service.
About 20 pets were examined and received free preventative medications (about $1,000 total). Donations are accepted on the DEGA website, www.degamobilevetcare.org. Many thanks to Dr. April and the DEGA Mobile Veterinary Care for making this service possible for our clients’ pets.

Around the Garden
The Holly Springs Food Cupboard gardens are beautiful and productive, thanks to the many local volunteers who help grow food for Cupboard clients. Interested in helping out? Contact Food Cupboard Garden Director Jerry DeWitt at [email protected] to be added to the volunteer sign-up list.
We ask groups to remain small and distance appropriately. Everyone should wear a mask while in the garden.
Available work days are generally on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Interested volunteers may select the day/time that best meets their schedules. Instructions will be given to volunteers, but on-site supervision generally will not be provided.
Thank You, Niche Wine Lounge
Thank you so much, Niche Wine Lounge and patrons! Anthony presented a donation check of $500 from Niche’s 50/50 raffle for the Holly Springs Food Cupboard.

Donate Blood and Raise Funds for Food Cupboard!
Saturday, May 8, Sunrise United Methodist Church is hosting a blood drive that also will benefit the Cupboard! Click here to sign up. All donors will receive a $10 gift card, and a $10 donation will be made to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Thank you, Sunrise United Methodist, for hosting this event!

Thank you, Town of Holly Springs!
The Holly Springs Town Council awarded a $2,500 grant to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard earlier this month. Thank you, Town of Holly Springs, for supporting local people in need of food assistance.
Do you need food assistance? Know someone who does?
Please visit us. These are unprecedented circumstances, and we are here to help. Drive-through food distribution is every Thursday, 2-5 p.m. Deliveries are available to senior citizens and persons with compromised health or without transportation. Click here for more information.

Donating food?
Thank you! We are able to receive food on Mondays, 9-11 a.m. (this is our preferred time) and Thursdays, noon-5 p.m. Place donations on our delivery dock on the side of our facility and knock to allow for safe distancing. Or, give us a call and we can meet you to pick up food from your neighborhood.
Most needed items:
- Jelly
- Broth
- Toilet paper
- Pop-top meats
- 16-ounce jars of peanut butter
More Information
- Email us for the fastest response time.
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Thank you, again, to our dedicated volunteers and generous community for making everything we do possible.