December 1, 2021

278 Thanksgiving Meals Distributed & More
Thanks to your generosity, 278 households enjoyed a special Thanksgiving meal last month! So many people and organizations came together, helping make those meals possible, and meeting November food needs at the Holly Springs Food Cupboard.
Below are some photos from last month that show a few of the people and groups who helped the community through the Holly Springs Food Cupboard in November. These included people from neighborhoods like Parks at Bass Lake, which delivered food to clients, and Brighton Forest, which collected Thanksgiving meal packages.
Businesses including Chick-Fil-A, Ting, CrossFit Holly Springs and Coldwell Banker Howard Perry and Walston supported the Cupboard in various ways during the month, also. Youth pitched in and moved tons of turkeys to and from freezers, and a sister/brother team saved a portion of their weekly allowance and purchased food to donate to the Cupboard.
Special events included the Holly Springs Run Club and Oak Hall turkey trots, the Holly Springs Police Department cadets food drive, and a donation from UNC Health Rex Holly Springs.
What an amazing month… thanks to an amazing community! Thank you so much to everyone!
Blood Drive to Benefit Cupboard
Friday, Dec. 10 at Carolina Brewing Company
The holiday season can be hectic, so here’s how to help the community in two ways at one time! Carolina Brewing Company is hosting a blood drive with The Blood Connection Friday, Dec. 10 2:30-7:30 p.m. For every pint of blood collected, $10 will be donated to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard!
Sign up for a time to donate blood and benefit the Cupboard at:

Garden Update
Garden work hours are limited during the winter. Interested in volunteering? Contact Food Cupboard Garden Director Jerry DeWitt at [email protected] to be added to the volunteer sign-up list. We will return to weekday workdays and more regular hours in February 2022.
Below are some photos of November garden work, including volunteers from Seqirus and Celonis. Also shown is the Garden Hut, which donated collard and cabbage plants last month!

The Holly Springs Food Cupboard will be closed for the Christmas holiday.
Dec. 24-Jan. 2
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers and supportive community members! The Holly Springs Food Cupboard will be closed for the Christmas holiday Dec. 24-Jan. 2. Enjoy this time with the people you love, and please save food donations until Monday, Jan. 3. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Do you need food assistance? Know someone who does?
Please visit us. The Holly Springs Food Cupboard is here to help. Food distribution is every Thursday, 2-5 p.m. Deliveries are available to senior citizens and persons with compromised health or without transportation. Click here for more information.
Donating Food?

Most needed items:
- Toilet paper
- Canned fruit
- Broth
- Canned meats
- Crackers
- Small packs of raisins
- Mac n cheese cups
- Fruit cups
- Cereal
How to Get Food to the Cupboard
The Cupboard can receive donated food on:
- Preferred hours: Mondays 9-11 a.m.
- Also: Thursdays noon-5 p.m.
The Holly Springs Food Cupboard will be closed for the Christmas holiday Dec. 24-Jan. 2.
Place donations on our delivery dock on the side of our facility and knock to allow for safe distancing. Or, give us a call and we can meet you to pick up food from your neighborhood.
If you have food that you want to deliver at other times, you can take it to one of our community drop-off sites listed below. If necessary, we can arrange a time for a pick-up. Please do not leave food outside the Cupboard.
Community Drop-Off Sites
- The Block on Main, Corner of Main Street and Rogers Street
- First Flight Federal Credit Union, Village Walk Drive
- Holly Springs Farmers Market, West Ballentine Street
- Holly Springs Town Hall, Main Street
- Pet Mania, Sunset Lake Road
- Sunrise United Methodist Church, 5420 Sunset Lake Road
- Sweet Berry Bowls, 150 W Holly Springs Road
- Wake FC, Ting Park
More Ways to Give
- Support the Holly Springs Food Cupboard when you shop online with PayPal. Set us as your favorite charity, and you can choose to donate $1 when you checkout with PayPal. Click here visit PayPal and save the Holly Springs Food Cupboard as your favorite charity. This allows you to conveniently support us at checkout and other donation opportunities.
- Enjoy online shopping? Use this link to set up AmazonSmile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard.
- If you’re using the Amazon app, select the main menu, select “AmazonSmile” within Programs & Features, and select “Holly Springs Food Cupboard as your charity. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app.
More Information
- Email us for the fastest response time.
- Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
- Subscribe to this e-newsletter.
Thank you, again, to our dedicated volunteers and generous community for making everything we do possible.